Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Subfloor and the Shinja

Before I start painting and stuff, I had better get some subflooring in.

I ran into the Shinja the other day at a gas pump. He said he has been keeping up with this kitchen project on 88caprice...
...then he mentioned something about a picture being worth 1000 words...
...and then he vanished.

Well, thanks Shinja! And in your honor I will let the subfloor pics do most of the talking.

I'm really proud of how this thing turned out.

Custom cut.

Undercutting the door jams really worked out well.
Fitting nicely.
Air compressors, staple guns, and power cutters. Muwahahaa!

Well, that's worth several thousand words, I assure you!

1 comment:

  1. The Shinja is so elusive and stealth, much like Husband when he did the subfloor. I came home one Saturday, and wah! it was done.
