Friday, February 4, 2011

Shrimp Smoothie w/ Robin's Egg

If I could locate a color card or a paint swatch that matched our walls, it would probably be called Shrimp Smoothie. You know, a little shrimp, a little coral, a little peach.

Shrimp Smoothie commits several bummers:
  1. It isn't cute
  2. It covers both wall AND ceiling
  3. It's high gloss painted over older high gloss, so it's peeling right off
So! You're going to peel off, eh? Then I'll peel you ALL OFF!!

Enter Robin's Egg Blue:
While I'm thinking about it, Wife (aka Dear) is awesome. Everyone should have a wife like Wife.

Anyway, I scraped as much Shrimp Smoothie off as I could, then I sanded the rest--gave it a good scuffing so the next coat would adhere better.

And then, PATCH TIME!

I was able to squeeze some joint compound into just about all the cracks, holes, dings, and dimples, except for one. This area was SO BIG and SO BAD that I dared not tackle it alone. I needed someone with redneck skills, redneck ability, and pure redneck power...

...I needed Redneck Friend.

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