Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bummers Part 2: "Sooo..."

I like the word "so," but I much prefer it with extra o's. "Sooo..." gives you more time to think before bringing an obvious problem to light. I've used it a lot while standing in the kitchen, scratching my head, identifying kitchen bummers.


"...there's no vent hood?"
Nope, sure isn't. And to keep spaghetti steam from dripping off the bottom of the cabinet we have to pull the stove out farther than normal. This makes it hard for Wife to reach the plates.

And the shiny cabinets and walls? That's probably fried fish vapors. Eew.

"...the microwave is always on the table?"
Sure is, which would be really cool if we ate TV dinners. I could heat it up, pull it out, and eat it, all from the seated position. But we don't, so it isn't.

"...we only have one counter outlet?"
Yep, and the stove cord must be stretched over the counter to reach it. In the shed full of stuff that came with the house I found an adapter that allows one outlet to accommodate six plugs. I chipped the mud dauber nests off of it and installed it, so now we can leave the stove plugged in, add the coffee maker and four other appliances, and trip the breaker all at once.

"...the fridge covers the back door frame?"
Yes, and it just misses the door itself by about 1/4 in. If I forget to tuck my elbows upon egress I end up raking all the missionaries' pictures off in the floor. Bummer.

"...we have zero drawers?"
Count 'em: zero. To keep silverware, cereal, and the like off the floor we use a particle board nightstand that we rescued from Paw-Paw's trash. Wife and I brought it over to this house from our first apartment, which also had zero drawers.

Thanks Paw-Paw.


  1. This cracked me up! It's even funnier when you see the missionaries fall off the fridge every time Husband comes in the

  2. I laughed and know you have to laugh to keep from crying sometimes...Sounds like a parsonage we once lived in. The floor in the kitchen was slanted and not a single corner was square. We turned it into a game by dropping Kix cereal on the floor and placing bets on which corner would fill up first...( =
    I look forward to reading more!

  3. Just caught up on my Kitchen Overhaul reading... good times! Looking forward to what becomes of it.
