Counter space
Wife and I have 24 in. total of counter space. The 12 in. on the right of the sink is usually a landing pad for dishes, leaving the left 12 in. for the coffee pot, coffee grinder, food prep needs, etc.
While making my last round of grilled cheeses I ran into a challenge: there wasn't enough room for the bread, plate, butter, and my individually wrapped slice of processed cheese food. In fact, our small cutting board is wider than the counter. Bummer.
Cabinet space
As you can see from the picture in my last post we have three lower cabinet doors: (1) pots/pans, (2) cleaning supplies, and (3) food. Yes, ALL the food in one.
The sink is so deep that the cabinet doors are unusually low. It is quite a feat to crawl in there for a grilled-cheese-worthy skillet, but I have a few secret ways ;). And yes, I have lain in the floor before to locate the flour. For real. Bummer
With some juggling I finally made the grilled cheese. I had been thinking about remodeling the kitchen for some time, but this sealed the deal. It was as if the grilled cheese opened his crusty lips and uttered, "It's time."
Thanks, Grilled Cheese.
And thanks, Fearless Leader.